03 October, 2010

Hair Style: Bright Lights, Big City

Sexi Lexi on episode 7: Bright Lights, Big City
hair battle spectacular

This was really my hardest blog to write. Again and again I have ideas and I just don't execute them properly. If I only could not get so nervous. Halfway through the Check Up challenge, I realized I should have just built it on her head.

Strategy-wise of course Tsunami would pick me. With him I really didn't take it personally because he always was kind and I really enjoyed his presence. No hard feelings.

My nervousness, lack of confidence and not knowing what I was doing really made it hard to time my work. I'm the kind of person who won't finish till it's done. With a lot of trial and error, it really seemed to take up a lot of my time. I look back now and would love to redo a lot of my creations. The ideas were there, just poorly executed. I'll tell u one thing, I feel very inspired by these concepts and will be using them in upcoming shoots.

I had this idea, a device that could teleport you using a remote. I wanted it to look kind of like a black hole.

I'm just pumped I made it this far. I learned so much, starting with having more confidence in myself. Insecurities and people’s opinions have been something I've struggled with my whole life. Watching myself really made me feel like I was in elementary school, looking for approval. From the show, I have realized that at the end of the day, people’s criticisms don't matter. I'm a heartfelt artist with limitless possibilities. I don't doubt myself so much and truly am a stronger person because of it. One thing I wouldn't change is how I treated everyone on the show. I still think all of us are so talented, and there's plenty of room for success. I don't doubt that I will see these people again. No hard feelings, and I love and respect my competitors and know that greater things are out there for all of us.

from: http://hair-battle-spectacular.oxygen.com

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